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Seeds & Stuff

Purple Salsify

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Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) is an uncommon but easy to grow root crop. Direct sow in Spring for harvest in the winter. The roots are long, slender and have been described as oyster flavoured. Roots can be replanted, or left in situ, and will flower and set seed in the second year. Flowers are ornamental and edible. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach and even the young shoots can be eaten like asparagus.

Salsify is an ancient food crop from south east Europe and North Africa which is referenced often in plant books throughout antiquity. Though it is largely out of favour now and not widely grown. It is part of the Asteraceae family, like lettuce and sunflowers, so what we consider the 'flower head' is actually a basket shaped head containing many individual (sessile) flowers. Each of these flowers will produce a seed when fertilised. Seeds are long and rod shaped with ribs. They have feathery hairs, known as a pappus, to aid with wind dispersal, as do many seeds in this family.

Sow in well prepared deep loose soil so that roots can stretch their legs. Sow seeds in shallow drills 1cm deep with 30cm between rows. Germination can be erratic - some seeds will germinate in a few days with most taking 2 to 3 weeks. Once they are on the way, thin plants to around 8- 10cm apart. After that, they need very little attention.

Average 50 seeds per packet.
