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Seeds & Stuff

Collard Greens 'Champion'

6 items left

Collard greens belong to the loose-leaved group of Brassica oleracea, like kales, and have been grown since antiquity. Popular in the southern US, collards are known for their heat tolerance but they are also very winter hardy and light frost will sweeten the flavour. They can be sown from Spring until late Summer. Plants are biennial so a late sowing will overwinter and produces flowers and seed the following year.

I think of them as a way to have a steady supply of cabbagey leaves throughout the season without having to grow head forming cabbages. 'Champion' collards produce large dark blue-green leaves which are mild in flavour. The large leaves are ideal for making cabbage rolls.

The open growth habit make collards less susceptible to fungal diseases than head forming cabbages and also doesn't create as much habitat for slugs and snails to make home in.

Average 150 seeds per packet.
