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Seeds & Stuff

Rat Tailed Radish

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I picked seed for this up when on holidays in Thailand. It is a radish (Raphanus sativus) native to south Asia which is grown not for its roots, but for the extra long, crips pungent seedpods. The pods are best picked when young and green. They are good eaten raw, chopped into salads, stir fried or pickled.

Being selected for quickly producing masses of long seed pods, I thought this type of radish would be a good canditate for producing seed outside in Ireland. It did so in 2022. It might be a good variety for producing seed for radish microgreens for the same reason.

If growing just for eating, I would sow just a few plants as they are large sprawling things. They fall over easily too so support is useful. Successional sowing will help spread out the harvest.

Average 100 seeds per packet.
