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Radishes are about the quickest and easiest vegetable to grow. Small round or cylindrical salad radishes come in a variety of colours and should be sown every ten days from spring until autumn to provide a constant supply.

Growing Radishes

The can be grown in anything from a tin can on a window-sill to a field. The seeds should be sown about 1cm apart, and deep, in rows 20cm apart or, scattered on the surface of a container and covered with 1cm of compost. They should emerge in a few days. Begin pulling spring radishes as soon as they're large enough to use. Their quality deteriorates quickly once they reach full size. Winter radishes are sown in late summer and grow much bigger. Thin them to 20cm apart and leave in the ground all winter until needed for use.

Seeds & Stuff Rat Tailed Radish €3,00 EUR
Helena Husinec Radish €4,00 EUR
